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Frequently Asked Questions
Couldn't find an answer to your tutoring question?
Contact Doctors of Academics directly and we will be more than happy to assist.
How does it work?We would begin by conducting a consultation meeting, after completing our meeting & upon signing on, students will complete a qualitative assessment that tests the different skills, in the subject areas where help is needed. After completing the assessment students will begin to improve their skills by using our individualized curriculum & tools.
What is the 1st session like?The first session is when the initial assessment takes place. This session is conducted like a regular session, students are usually not aware that they are being assessed.
Where are sessions held?All our sessions are conducted In-home or online.
What grade-levels & subject areas do your academic sessions cover?We offer intense academic sessions in reading, writing & math, for all Preschool & Elementary students. (Prek-5th Grade)
My child is already in Kindergarten, will he benefit from your Kindergarten Readiness session?"Yes, our KG readiness session is offered to both incoming & current kindergarten students.
How long would my child session be?Our sessions vary from 45min-1hr.
Do you offer weekend tutoring?No. All sessions are scheduled Monday through Friday between 11am & 6:00pm
Will my child’s grades improve?Academic success is not just about having good grades, we strive to ignite a love for learning that will allow each child to understand the concept of the skills in which they’re trying to master, however our methods & approaches have been proven to correlate with grade improvements.
I have a preschooler, what programs do you have available?"Our Virtual Circle Time program is available for students ages 3-5. Our Kindergarten readiness program is also available for student ages 3-6
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